Saturday, April 4, 2020

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A List Of Homeopathic Remedies And Their Uses. What To Put In A Homeopathic Travel Kit.

Many years ago, when I started using homeopathy I wanted to have a set of remedies that I could rely on when my family was ill. 

​There are a few sets that one can buy online and they are very good because they contain the most useful remedies for everyday problems.

However, some people are looking to buy individual remedies and there are looking to have a small set of remedies that are useful. 

By experience, I have been in situations when you are running into a difficult acute and to make matters worse, it is night time! You only have a few remedies at hand until the morning...and the remedy you are thinking of is not in the kit! Everyone panics...

However, somehow people always manage with what they have at hand and many resourceful patients have been able to treat acute problems with minimal resources. THIS IS THE BEAUTY OF HOMEOPATHY-FLEXIBILITY.

That is where knowing the main affinity of a remedy pays off!
​If you look through my blogs, you will see that certain remedies pop over and over. These remedies are called POLYCHRESTS!

Polychrests are remedies that serve many uses because they cover the symptoms of the most common health problems. They are what you would call broad-spectrum remedies, and these remedies they are the ones to have!

On this list, there are some remedies that are not polychrests but I would not want to be without them either.


This is one of my favourite remedies. I could definitely not do without it! It is a remedy that once you get to know, it will become your best friend!

This remedy is one of the BEST acute remedies that you should buy.

​It covers shocks, fear and fright and it is a remedy for the first stage inflammations and any ailments from cold dry weather.

It covers: fevers, colds, croup, cough, flu, anxiety, palpitations, shocks, bad news, dentition, inflammation, pain,  conjunctivitis, earache, sore throat, numbness and tingling in the extremities, nightmares, tonsillitis, otitis media, panic attacks, retention of urine for fright.


This is a super remedy for inflammation, swelling and pain in any part of the body.

​Bright redness, heat to the area,  severe pain, throbbing, sharp, shooting and cutting sensations.

It covers: tonsillitis, sunburn, teething, headaches, sunstroke, sore throats, inflammation with swelling and burning heat, abdominal colic from inflammation, scarlet fever, airsickness, earache, abscess, high fevers, infections, throbbing pains, boils.


​Great remedy for restlessness of the mind and anxiety. Also a general remedy for sepsis, putrid processes and infections.

​A great remedy for itching of the skin, and allergic process affecting the skin, digestion, respiratory tract.

It covers: anxiety, fears, restlessness, asthma, diarrhoea, vomiting, gastritis, gastroenteritis, food poisoning, nausea, allergies, dyspepsia, abscess, hay fever, colds, cold sores, sneezing, eczema, ulcers, infected wounds.


A traumatic remedy, the best there is! Physical and mental trauma and its effects, either recent or remote.

It has an affinity to the blood vessels and injuries. Helps to stop bleeding and reabsorbs clots, therefore making it a #remedies for injuries with bruising.

Conditions that result from injuries, falls, blows and contusions, accidents and trauma victims.  Sore, a bruised feeling of the parts.

It the best friend of sports people as it help to recover faster from muscle strain.

It covers: bloodshot, aching pains, contusions, sprains, strains, black eye, injuries, labour pains, over-lifting, over-working, head injuries, surgical operations, dental work, insect stings, thrombosis, ecchymosis, blue and black spots.


This remedy acts as a natural antibiotic where there is infection with inflammation and pus,  is excellent for helping the lymphatic system which is why it is essential in a home kit.

​This remedy is also excellent for coughs and any problems of the respiratory system and it is one of the remedies in the croup trio.

It covers: boils, hangnails, abscess, mercury detoxing, skin problems, sore throat, tonsillitis, swollen lymph glands, croup, coughs, staphylococcal skin infections, chronic catarrhs, mastoiditis, ear infections, blepharitis, tooth abscess, herpes, skin problems, laryngitis


A detoxifier remedy for its action on the liver and digestive tract, therefore, making it essential for everyday problems.

​It is essential for viral infections, food or alcohol excess and the effects of too many medicines. It affects the nerves and it is good for spasmodic problems of the digestive tract, so excellent for cramps and pain with vomiting.

It covers: hangovers, spastic colon, constipation, stomach ulcers, tummy bugs, dyspepsia, indigestion, nausea, stomach disorders, vomiting, IBS, colic, morning sickness, hepatitis, motion sickness, belching.


Another great remedy for any problems of the digestive tract. It soothes and tonnes our digestive tract and it is an excellent remedy for that!

​A great remedy for indigestion or any stomach, bowels and digestive organs related problems.

This remedy is the top first line in all the Banerji Protocols for the digestive system.

It covers: bloating, constipation, tiredness after eating, belching, acidity, colitis, haemorrhoids, indigestion, liver troubles, flatulence, jaundice, pylorus disorders, food allergies, hepatitis, viral infections, detox.


A remedy for GRIEF.--Nobody should do without this remedy in their kit--
​This is a remedy for grief or suppressed grief.

​ A remedy for worry or upsets, ailments from grief, emotional shocks or upsets, the king that feel as if a lump on the throat or makes us sight.

It covers: homesickness, nostalgia, grief,  emotional shocks, depression, disappointments, worry, insomnia, effects of fright, anxiety, anguish.
10 homeopathic remedies for your first aid kit


This is a top pain relief remedy and anti-inflammatory remedy.
It is one of the best remedies for acute children infections where the child is very irritable with the pain.

This kind of pain is for when you feel" you can not bear it".

Adults or children cannot be appeased when in pain. This is also a great remedy for colic pain or feeling "as if you can not bear the pain" after any surgical procedure or during an illness.

It covers: earaches, teething in children, wisdom teeth pain, after pains, labour, severe pains, neuralgias, tooth pain, colic, unbearable pain after any surgical procedure, otitis media, pain.


Great remedy for allergic reactions like urticaria, hives or wheels. Swellings or any type and oedema.

​Any swelling with edema due to an allergic reaction or to an infection.

All of rashes tend to be less itchy for cold applications.

​This is the #1 remedy for bee or wasp stings.

It covers: bee stings, allergic reactions, itching, hives, edema, nettle rash, stinging pains, swellings, urticaria, swelling or puffing up areas of the skin.

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