Sunday, April 5, 2020

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With corona virus sweeping across the world, it comes as no surprise that people are seriously panicking. For the uninitiated, corona virus causes a disease known as COVID-19. Its symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, and shortness of breath. The scientifically inaccurate information about corona virus and how to prevent/cure it being circulated on social media and some incompetent news agencies is only making matters worse. To help you cut through the vast amount of misinformation, we have debunked a few of the popular myths about corona virus in this article. Check them out.

1 MYTH: Corona virus is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

While it is true that the symptoms of corona virus are no worse than those of seasonal flu, its mortality rate is higher. While the seasonal flu kills less than 1% of those infected, the WHO has confirmed that 3.4% of the reported CO VI D-19 patients have died globally (as of March 4, 2020). So, yes, any flu-like symptoms you experience at this point do need to be addressed a bit more seriously.

2 MYTH: Corona virus only kills older people, so younger people and kids do not need to worry.

The mortality rate of CO VI D-19 increases with age. It ranges between 0.2-0.4% between the ages of 0 to 49 and steadily increases thereon. It peaks at 14.8% among people who are 80+ years old. While it is true that older people and people with preexisting health conditions are more vulnerable to this disease, anyone of any age can get infected. Moreover, it can cause some serious respiratory problems, regardless of your age or health condition.
Another thing to keep in mind is that there are certain groups of people who are more susceptible to corona virus, such as healthcare workers and the immediate family members/caregivers taking care of infected people in close quarters. Therefore, young and healthy people need to report symptoms and follow quarantine instructions carefully to protect the more vulnerable members of the society and prevent the disease from spreading.

3 MYTH: You need to wear a face mask.

This is partly true. A virus can enter your body through your eyes, and aerosols (tiny virus particles) can penetrate face masks. However, they can block the droplets from someone coughing or sneezing near you. The droplets are actually a major way that corona virus is transmitted.
However, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that there are only two groups of people who are recommended to wear face masks :
  1. Patients: People who have the corona virus and/or are showing symptoms should wear them to prevent spreading it to others.
  2. Carers: Healthcare and social workers who are taking care of CO VI D-19 patients or spend long periods in a hospital should wear masks to protect themselves from infection. Family members/caregivers taking care of patients also fall under this category.
Buying face masks when you don’t fall into these categories increases shortage and leads to price hikes. This puts the healthcare workers and patients who actually need them and all the people around them at risk.
Moreover, US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams has said that people who are not healthcare providers and don’t know how to wear face masks properly tend to touch their faces more, which can actually increase the spread of corona virus.

4 MYTH: You need to be around an infected person for 10 minutes to get infected.

Though medical guidelines for the flu state that you need to be within 6 feet of an infected person (who sneezes and/or coughs) for at least 10 minutes to get infected, you can get infected by the corona virus through shorter interactions. You can also pick up the virus from contaminated surfaces. Hence, make sure you wash and sanitize your hands as often as possible.

5 MYTH: A vaccine will be ready within a few months.

Though a corona virus vaccine is being developed and experimented on animal models, testing it on humans to spot all side effects and making it commercially available will take much longer. In fact, it would be quick if we got it within a year. The best course of action right now is to prevent it from spreading.

6 MYTH: Home remedies can cure/prevent corona virus.

While garlic, water, and vitamin C are great for your health, consuming them will not cure or protect you from corona virus. Other such “remedies” making the rounds on social media are that covering your body with sesame oil, chlorine, or alcohol can kill the virus, which is not true.
You may use chemical disinfectants like chloroform, bleach, ether solvents,  and 75% ethanol to kill the virus on other surfaces. But, do not, under any circumstances, apply them to your body. It will not only not kill the virus already inside your body but can also be extremely dangerous.
Stay away from infected patients and wash/sanitize your hands often to protect yourself from the virus.

7 MYTH: People who get infected by corona virus will die.

As mentioned earlier, the mortality rate of corona virus is 3.4%, and it is expected to go down as time passes. The reports of death caused by this virus are rarer. However, it can cause serious respiratory conditions like pneumonia and bronchitis in the elderly, small children, and people with weakened immune systems.
Since thousands of cases have been reported and the virus is continuing to spread, even a 3% mortality rate is a cause for concern.

8 MYTH: Hot climate can kill corona virus.

The US President, Donald Trump, has suggested that corona virus cannot survive in hotter temperatures and is likely to die out by April. However, public health experts say that there is not enough information on this novel virus, and there is no way to know if heat can kill it.

9 MYTH: Pneumonia 

vaccines can protect you from corona virus.
No, pneumonia vaccines like pneumococcal vaccine  influenza type B  vaccine do not work on corona virus. A vaccine for this extremely new virus is currently being developed.

10 MYTH: Rinsing your nose regularly with saline can prevent corona virus infection.

No, there is no scientific evidence that rinsing your nose with saline can prevent corona virus infection. Moreover, always wash your hands before touching or cleaning your nose.

11 MYTH: Antibiotics can prevent and treat corona virus/C o v id-19.

Antibiotics only work against bacteria, not viruses. However, people being treated for CO VI D-19 may be administered antibiotics if they have a bacterial co-infection. 

12 MYTH: Corona virus is man-made.

Please don’t believe everything you read on Facebook. Conspiracy theories about the origins of corona virus are aplenty. While many people outside of China believe that it is a bio weapon that was being developed in a Chinese lab and got leaked, the counter-argument on Chinese social media is that it was released by the US. Scientists on both sides have dismissed theories.
Though the exact origin of corona virus is still unknown, experts believe it probably originated in bats and jumped to another host before moving on to humans, just like SARS in 2003. 

13 MYTH: Hand dryers can kill the new corona virus.

No, hand dryers cannot kill the new corona virus. They only blow out warm air and are not designed to kill any kind of icro organisms. In fact, they can be counterproductive as they suck up the microbes and circulate them around the room . Thus, if someone infected with corona virus coughs or sneezes in the bathroom, the hand dryer sucks up the mucus and saliva droplets they expel and disperses them across the room. This could spread the virus even further.
Therefore, the best course of action is to wash your hands with soap and water or clean them with a sanitize
r frequently to protect yourself from this virus . Then, use a paper towel to dry them.

14 MYTH: An ultraviolet disinfection lamp can kill corona virus.

While this is technically true, you should never use a UV lamp on your hands or other parts of your body as it can cause skin irritation.

15 MYTH: Thermal scanners can detect people infected by corona virus.

Thermal scanners can detect who has a fever because of a corona virus infection . However, they cannot detect the infection if the person has not developed a fever yet. It takes 2-10 days for an infected to fall sick and develop a fever.

16 MYTH: You can get infected by corona virus through a letter/package from China.

No. Corona virus cannot survive for long on any object, including letters and packages.

17 MYTH: Pets can spread corona virus.

Presently, there is no scientific evidence can animals like dogs and cats can get infected by corona virus. Regardless, wash your hands with soap and water after touching your pets as a precautionary measure.
While this corona virus outbreak is serious, it is important to educate yourself and stay calm. Panicking will make not only you but also everyone else around you anxious. Follow the preventative measures laid out by trusted medical agencies and wash your hands as often as possible to prevent infection.

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