Tuesday, May 5, 2020

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Of all the types of pimples and blemishes, painful zits are the worst. Often, bacteria gets trapped inside the pore causing the area to become red and swollen. Painful zits are the result of when this infection goes deep into your skin. The infection often creates red, tender bumps that are full of pus. These zits (also known as cystic acne) are usually painful to the touch and can even hurt when you move your face.
There are lots of products on the market that claim to magically “zap” a zit. Look on Pinterest and you’ll find a ton of home remedies for pimples. But how do you know which topical treatment is right for you? Many skincare tips on the internet that are actually harmful to your health and can further irritate your skin. The last thing you want to do is make a painful zit even more painful.
I spoke to Dr. Kally Papantoniou, a dermatologist with Advanced Dermatology PC, regarding topical pimple treatments you should avoid. She warned me that you should never to put lemon juice on a painful zit. According to Dr. Papantoniou, “This can lead to further irritation, injure the skin and possibly result in discoloration.” In general, she says you should avoid putting undiluted acids, such as apple cider vinegar, on your zits. Lemon juice, in particular, is bad for your skin. Lemon juice will dry out your skin and strip your skin of natural oils.
The best way to deal with a painful zit is to let it run it’s course. If you need a quick cure, a cortisone shot or quick laser zap at the dermatologist’s office is the best way to quickly and safely clear up a pimple.

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