Friday, April 3, 2020

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Our eyes help us to see the world around us. In addition to this, they can give us deep insights into our health. What are your eyes trying to tell you? Read on to find out!

1. A Stye That Won't Go Away

Sties are a painful lump on your lash line. Although they can cause redness, irritation, and swelling, they are usually not dangerous. A sty is usually due to a blocked sebaceous cyst, or oil gland.

2. Thinning Eyebrows

If you find that you have to spend more and more time filling in eyebrows, you may have a hidden health problem. Thinning eyebrows can be a sign of a variety of health problems.

3. Newly Blurred Vision

Do you find that your vision just isn't as sharp as it used to be? Are far away road signs a mystery? It is normal for our sight to gradually become less clear as we age but it shouldn't happen over weeks or months.
Vision that becomes blurry in a noticeably quick manner can be a sign of a variety of preventable and reversible medical issues. Getting diagnosed and treated promptly could prevent permanent damage to your eyes.

4. New Blind Spots

If you suddenly cannot see in a specific field of your vision, it is time to call the doctor. There are a variety of medical problems that can cause this. The most common is a silent migraine, which is a migraine that occurs without pain.
However, brain tumors and other serious neurological problems also can cause new blind spots. It is important to get these symptoms checked out as soon as you notice it.

5. Eyes That Bulge

Most people have occasional moments of surprise when our eyes bulge out. This should not be a regular or constant thing. If you notice that yours are constantly bulging, something is very wrong.
In many cases, this is due to hyperthyroidism. Whatever the cause, it is important to deal with it promptly because eye bulging cannot be easily reversed.

6. Yellow Eyes

It is normal to occasionally have red or pink eyes, usually from fatigue. Having yellow eyes, however, is never normal. If the whites of your eyes are yellow, it is a sign that bilirubin is not being excreted normally.
This is usually due to a problem with your liver or gallbladder.

7. Sudden changes in vision

Many people notice small vision changes over the years. Sudden changes in vision, however, are not normal. These often are a sign that something is very wrong with your health. Many changes can be reversed, but only if discovered early.

8. Any Eye Problems in a Diabetic

We all have days when our vision is better or worse than others. Diabetics, however, cannot ignore any changes in vision.
Even slight cloudiness or blurring can be a sign of diabetic retinopathy, an irreversible change in vision caused by high blood sugar. If you are a diabetic, the eye doctor is your best friend.
These issues with your eyes can be a sign that you need emergency medical help. Have you noticed any of these symptoms in a loved one or in your own eyes? Let us know in the comments - and don't forget to share!
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!

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