Friday, April 3, 2020

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The belly is the front part of the human trunk below the ribs, containing the stomach and bowels. And belly fat is the accumulation of abdominal fat that results in increased waist size. Do you want to know how to get rid of your belly fat?
Having belly fat may cause different physical and psychological effects on a person, including feeling unhealthy, unfit, insecure, and depressed.
Some people are trying to reduce belly fat with the assistance of professionals. Some are undergoing strict diet plans and excessive workout to lose belly fat and maintain a flat belly.

What causes belly fat?

For you to be able to avoid building up belly fat, you must learn the common causes that make you gain it.

belly fat

Poor diet.

The most common cause of fat belly is consuming more calories than what your body burns. It can be due to the lifestyle of an individual. Eating a lot of sugary foods and drinks, high alcohol intake, and eating unhealthy food can cause belly fat.

Being inactive.

Metabolism slows down as you age, and being inactive makes it harder for a person to lose weight or get rid of excess fat. A sedentary lifestyle can result in poor health. Gaining weight and being less active can lead to obesity, including abdominal obesity.


Stress can contribute to building up belly fat by triggering the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Research shows that high cortisol levels increase appetite and drive abdominal fat storage.

Lack of sleep.

recent study found out that sleep can be linked to gains in abdominal fat in persons younger than 40 years old. Researchers found that those who slept less than five hours per night gained more abdominal fat than those who slept more than six hours per night. Lack of sleep may also lead to unhealthy eating that may cause abdominal fat.


Hereditary can also be a factor in gaining weight. Your genes can play a major role in influencing your metabolism and the risk of developing obesity. Hormones and hormonal changes can affect belly fat accumulation.

How to get rid of belly fat pinterest

How to get rid of belly fat?

We created a list on how to avoid and get rid of belly fat naturally.

1. High protein diet

samples of high protein foods get rid of belly fat

A high protein diet can help you lose your abdominal fat. Protein is very important when it comes to losing weight. It can promote fullness, reduce craving, and boost your metabolism.
You can incorporate protein foods into your diet. Good sources of proteins are eggs, meat, soy, seafood, and nuts.

2. Avoid sugary products

slices if cakes

To lose belly fat, it is best to completely avoid sugary products. Sugar contains fructose, which is linked to obesity.
Limit drinking sodas and juices and eating sweets like cakes and donuts. A healthy and balanced diet can help you lose weight.

3. Reduce alcohol intake

lady drinking alcohol

Heavy drinking has been linked to a greater risk of obesity. Alcoholic drinks usually contain additional sugar, which contributes to gaining weight. It is also associated with increased risks of chronic diseases, including fatty liver disease, heart disease, ulcers, and type 2 diabetes.

4. Get enough sleep

a lady sleeping

Sleep is very important to one’s overall health. Most people need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Getting proper sleep will give your body enough time to rest, heal, and recover. 
Poor sleep can increase your appetite and craving for unhealthy food, causing you to gain weight.

5. Do cardio exercises

two ladies using treadmill in a gym get rid of belly fat

People trying to lose weight and get rid of their belly fat should include exercise in their daily routines. Cardio exercises are very effective when improving health and burning calories. Studies show that it’s one of the most effective forms of exercise for reducing belly fat. Cardiovascular exercises and resistance training are also a good combination when losing weight.
Tracking your progress with FitTrack Health will help motivate you and teach you exactly what you need to focus on to achieve your health goals 8x faster. Click here for more details.

Bottom Line

There are a lot of health risks when a person starts to gain weight and build up belly fat. Losing weight is not easy and takes a lot of dedication. A healthy and balanced lifestyle can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body.

Don’t Forget!

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